Saturday, October 27, 2012

Taking Action- Christina

     I, Christina Cipriani, took action in signing an online petition, to support women in their access to receiving free birth control, from the government. I did this through an online website and it felt great! As a women, it was especially rewarding to take action, and join the band wagon to support my fellow females for their rights as United State citizen. Anyone can talk, and state their beliefs, values and opinions, but to actually take a stand to take a step closer to an ultimate goal, felt so amazing! I really felt as though I took part in an act of social justice by doing so.
     In politics, many people create and sign petitions. It's a form of fighting for a specific right, in this case women's rights to birth control. This is a way to show the amount of people fighting for a desired cause and put the cause into perspective. I felt it was a great step, in the right direction, for the democratic controversy going on in the government.     I believe every person should take part in social justice. As an educator, I think it will be highly effective in my classroom. It's the little things that count, like signing a petition to support a good cause or political issue you start to become familiar with. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I feel as though to be a good citizen, which is crucial for students to get out of social studies, social justice should be included in the classroom. "Concerns about the common good and the rights of the individual, no matter how humble in social standards, transcends politics and holds a definitive place in the realms of morality, ethics and federal law, and therefore in the world of teaching social studies". I feel as though I am taking action as a citizen and it feels amazing. As an educator I can only hope my students, one day, can feel the same achievement!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Taking Action - Laura

For my take action I signed a petition supporting the no cost birth control. It felt great signing the petition because I am able to take action on an important issue that is also important to me! I support the no cost birth control and believe that every woman should have access to free birth control since it is our right. Putting a cost on birth control is only affecting women in a negative way. “More than half of women aged 18 – 34 say that the cost of prescription birth control has made it hard for them to use birth control consistently. Removing the economic barrier to birth control would have a major impact on young people’s lives.” Democratic values are connected to this type of take action that I have participated in. By signing a petition I am working together with the many other people who share the same goal as me! We are all working together and sharing the same goal to ensure that every woman has the access to free birth control that suits them. I am fighting for equality along with the many other women in the world who are fighting for the access to free birth control to make women’s lives easier and support keeping all women healthy!

Educators have one of the most important jobs in the world. It is a teacher’s goal to teach students not only significant knowledge but also appropriate behaviors. A teacher should always be implementing classroom rules and always model good and appropriate behavior. I think that social justice issues should be taught in the classroom. It is important for student to learn about people’s views and ideas about issues in our world. It is fundamental for students to begin to understand that everyone has opinions and all opinions should be respected; the earlier students begin to learn this concept the better. Social justice issues raises awareness to classrooms in schools. Students need to understand that not everyone has the same values and beliefs and that is acceptable. Social justice issues can help students learn just that and much more around the world and our communities. 

Taking Action- Melissa

I believe that there is an economic barrier that surrounds birth control. If this barrier is removed, birth control would have a major impact on many people’s lives. For this reason I participated in “take action” where I signed a petition that supports no-cost birth control. By signing this petition I feel like a stronger, more knowledgeable person who is helping to take the next step for a change that will affect many women. While helping to increase awareness of the issue, I am gaining a lot of knowledge that will help me to stand strong and make sure women of America can also raise their voices to fight for a solution. This type of action connects to democratic values because this topic is important to many women across the world. By participating in a “take action” event, such as the petition, I am coming together, and working collectively with others to provide a greater benefit for women in our community. I am fighting for equality that provides equal access to contraception for those who say that the cost of prescription birth control has made it hard for them to use birth control consistently. Women need and deserve birth control regardless of their financial status or where they are employed.

I believe that social justice should be taught in the classroom; however, it is not okay to teach social justice issues according to your own specific values, forcing your beliefs on others. I believe that social justice is an important issue that students should be exposed to. It will contribute to their well being and behaviors, or attitudes, within the classroom and beyond. Social justice takes what is learned within the classroom and connects it to everyday endeavors, helping students to see what is going on in the world. The teaching of social justice will create a healthy community where students recognize and learn the values of others. This will create respect, and a development of patterns in behavior which embodies and supports the human’s full potential. Teaching this issue in the classroom allows students to voice their opinions and permits them to reflect upon their own values, beliefs, and assumption which allows students to explore the changing world.  Reflecting upon these experiences contributes to the developing, and bettering, of their surrounding community; therefore, creating a more just world. 


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Taking Action For Women's Rights

There are many critical attributes to our current event. For the women who are fighting for the right to free birth control they can take part in civic engagement, enculturation, and social activism.

Through civic engagement women can join organizations to advocate for their rights. At these organizations women can discuss their different perspectives on the matter. They can talk about the democratic beliefs that our culture has put upon us. Women can act to accomplish problem solving, petitioning, and protesting. Social activism serves as a opportunity for women to act on their beliefs and values in constructive ways. Women can participate in service learning. As a service learning project our group wants to put together a website informing women of alternative forms of safe sex. This service learning project serves for women who are not able to receive free birth control.

Enculturation is the process by which a culture and its civic values are transmitted from one generation to the next. Through television  internet, and global communication, people are more exposed to different ideas and behaviors. As a group, we feel as though younger generations are getting the wrong idea about safe sex. This can be seen through shows such as "16 and Pregnant," "Teen Mom," and "The Secret Life Of The American Teenager." As a government the right to free birth control may decrease the number of teen pregnancy rates. This will further help regulate young adults with unwanted pregnancies.

Our current event poses informational and procedural knowledge. Our overall topic is informational knowledge. The debate rises a controversy between two very different opinions: Obama is for free birth control and Mitt Romney is not for free birth control. The procedural knowledge of our topic is the effects on our female population. This includes unwanted pregnancies, higher taxes, a rise in EBT and food stamps, foster care, and child abuse.

When we teach this current event we will start by explaining what is going on in the government surrounding this topic. We will pose both sides of the debate. We will then go into the effects of not having free birth control to our female population. Finally, our service learning project, will be of great use for females who cannot obtain free birth control. Our website will include alternative ways to practice safe sex, if birth control cannot be obtained. As a group, out of class, we will be creating this website together with great thought. We will post this site to our blog for the class to see!

Melissa, Christina, and Laura are taking action to advocate free birth control through signing a petition. 

Friday, October 12, 2012

My Interview with Kevin

This is an interview with my boyfriend Kevin. I thought it would be interesting to get a male's opinion on this issue. Kevin studies at Salem State as a History and Education major. I explained to him the current event going on and his opinion and thoughts were interesting to me and I learned a lot from him point of view!

Is this a problem you think is important?  Why/ Why not?
"I think it's important women should be granted free birth control, as Obama states. Many young woman, who cannot afford to attain birth control end up with unwanted pregnancy, and many more unwanted finances and for others through their taxes. Women are free individuals and should be granted birth control and abortion. Even though birth control is not 100% effective, those who take it are much better off than those who do not. This can go a long way in our country."
Do you think for others in our community this is an important problem? why/ why not?
"I think this issue is important for the majority of our society.  I think teen pregnancy is almost glorified with TV shows now a days and teenagers may want this lifestyle, which is a whole different problem. However, I do not think the majority of our country feels that way. If birth control is free it protects many from the financial issues and other issues they will be faced with if they cannot support a baby. This effects the country as a whole when our taxes are paying for the added welfare".
What policy, if any, does government now have to deal with this problem?
"The government has to bring other policies into this problem such as taxes through this new potential aspect of woman's health care".
What are advantages of this policy?
"The advantages to this policy is if the unwanted pregnancies go down, the unwanted taxes for America can subside. Not only that but when females still in school get pregnant, the drop out rate of school goes up, which also effects America as a whole as we trail behind in the World statistics".

What are disadvantages of this policy?
"If this act is passed, the Republicans will up roar and strikes may occur. Abortion is a HUGE controversy in our country and many angry people advocate against the act. This also sparks religious controversy in respect to abortion".
How might the policy be improved?
"Maybe the price of birth control can be cut down for woman. Also, maybe condoms could be given out for free? I do not think abortion should be supported in politics or even discussed. It's every woman's right what to do with her body and it is a personal choice". 
Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
"There are many videos, articles, blogs and books about the issue and especially abortion".

"I think women's rights be supported in every way, being a male I know I cannot speak for a woman, but men (who are running in the election) maybe would have a different opinion if they were female and had a clue".

Thursday, October 11, 2012

My Interview with Julia

I interviewed my roommate Julia. Julia has a general knowledge of the issues going on with whether or not birth control should be free or not. Although Julia didn't know a huge deal about the issue, she definitely had an opinion and was able to state her feelings. Julia is a graphic design major and feels strongly about forming opinions. Julia agrees with Obama's views pertaining to the reform to make birth control free for women.
I learned from the interview I had with Julia and I think it was a great idea to have someone share their opinions and ideas with me. 

Me: Is this a problem you think is important? why/ why not? 
Julia: "Yes I think this problem is very important. I believe that women should have the choice in the means to control whether or not they have children. All women should be able to have free birth control coverage because it is our right to our bodies. Many people in the world cannot afford birth control which could lead to unprepared pregnancies. If you cannot afford birth control than you cannot afford to support a family. It is important that this issue is looked at carefully since consequences can follow." 

Me: Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem? why/ why not? 
Julia: "I do think that other people in our community, especially women, think this is an important problem. As women we want to have the right to protect our bodies. If birth control is not made free then we are going to have an issue. All women should have the right to take birth control free of charge and make their own decisions about their body." 

Me: What policy, if any, does government now have to deal with this problem?
Julia: "I am not too sure of any policies pertaining to this issue, but I do know that Republicans argue that having free birth control for women violates the first amendments statement on our guarantee of our religious freedom. Some people feel that accommodating free birth control forces insurers to pay for it even if it is against their religious views. I also know that Obama is in full support of free birth control an the government will have to start dealing with Obama's health care reform."

Me: What are advantages of this policy?
Julia: "Advantages of having Obama's health care reform includes giving all women the choice of whether or not they want to take birth control for themselves. It gives women a choice."

Me: What are disadvantages of this policy?
Julia: "Disadvantages of this policy may include having uproars from the Republican party. Many people will have a problem with free birth control and this could cause some negative attention for our people."

Me: How might the policy be improved?
Julia: "I do not think Obama's policy of free birth control would need to be improved since the policy already would have accomplished what they were aiming for."

Me: Does the policy need to be replaced? why?
Julia: "I do not think that the policy would have to be replaced. Going back to the first amendment and our religious freedom I believe that having free birth control does not affect the first amendment on denying our religious freedom."

Me: What disagreements, if any, about the policy exist in this community?
Julia: "Everyone is going to have their own opinion about the issue pertaining to birth control. Since everyone is entitled to their opinions, everyone is entitled to disagree. I am not sure of a lot of disagreements other than the disagreement pertaining to the denial of religious freedom." 

Me: Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
Julia: "You can get more information about this problem by staying aware. You can watch the news, read articles pertaining to this subject, watch debates, and talk among peers."  

My interview with Maria

My sister Maria is on the left, and I (Melissa) am to the right.
I interviewed my sister Maria. She is a college student who has average knowledge of this subject. Although she does not know much about this topic I thought interviewing her would be a good opportunity to see what she does know and what she doesn't know about the controversies surrounding free birth control. I feel this was appropriate because this issue seems to be affecting those of the younger generation with all of the teen/young adult pregnancies on the rise. Information based upon birth control, and free birth control should be better known and targeted towards people like my sister to make them more aware of the options that they have, don't have or might need in the future.

Is this a problem you think is important? Why or why not?
“I think the issue surrounding free birth control is important because this problem affects all women. Many women become pregnant at a young age; most of these pregnancies are unwanted. Many young mothers are not ready to have children and if the pill was available more freely it would prevent these unexpected pregnancies. I think this relates to the amount of children in foster care as well. Children are in foster care for many reasons but it would be one less reason if women were provided with the proper measures to keep themselves protected from unwanted pregnancies.”

Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem? Why or why not?
“I absolutely agree that other women in our community would say that this is an important issue. Like reasons mentioned before, if there is no access to free, or even affordable birth control pregnancies will go up as will the abortion rates. A lot of people dislike the controversial issue of abortions so for those who are against abortions would be 110% fighting for free access to contraception.”

What policy, if any, does government now have to deal with this problem?
“I don’t really know any specific policies on this issue but looking at Obama’s views, the government policy allows only women who are working to have access to free birth control. Also, if there is no free birth control than this many affect the Abortion Policy that gives women a right to terminate a pregnancy.”

What are advantages and/ or disadvantages of this policy?
“Relating back to Obama, women who are working are able to receive free birth control. As far as abortion, whether you support it or not, it is at least an option that offers some control over oneself. A disadvantage of this policy would be that the availability of free birth control is not offered to women or young teens who do not work. Relating back to the abortion part, people may abuse this right of being able to make a choice. So, some limitations, I believe, would need to be made on that issue.”

How might the policy be improved, or should this policy be replaced?
“I’m not really to knowledgeable about this but I think free birth control should be available to everyone, not just working women. I don’t think it needs to be replaced but just improved upon so it benefits a larger population.”

Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
I enjoyed my interview with Maria. It brought about topics that we are both unfamiliar with. It opened our eyes to the many different issues that can relate to the topic of free birth control. I am learning how free birth control can connect to Planned Parenthood. Since conducting the interview I am more apt to research the unfamiliar topics that relate to gaining access to free contraception. The interview has furthered my understanding of the issue, such as my developing knowledge of policies. Through some research, and this interview I am more aware of women’s concerns and the different point of views people hold upon this subject. I am more aware of my own developing views on this subject, and as a young woman I would like to know where I stand and what is available to me.