Thursday, October 11, 2012

My interview with Maria

My sister Maria is on the left, and I (Melissa) am to the right.
I interviewed my sister Maria. She is a college student who has average knowledge of this subject. Although she does not know much about this topic I thought interviewing her would be a good opportunity to see what she does know and what she doesn't know about the controversies surrounding free birth control. I feel this was appropriate because this issue seems to be affecting those of the younger generation with all of the teen/young adult pregnancies on the rise. Information based upon birth control, and free birth control should be better known and targeted towards people like my sister to make them more aware of the options that they have, don't have or might need in the future.

Is this a problem you think is important? Why or why not?
“I think the issue surrounding free birth control is important because this problem affects all women. Many women become pregnant at a young age; most of these pregnancies are unwanted. Many young mothers are not ready to have children and if the pill was available more freely it would prevent these unexpected pregnancies. I think this relates to the amount of children in foster care as well. Children are in foster care for many reasons but it would be one less reason if women were provided with the proper measures to keep themselves protected from unwanted pregnancies.”

Do you think others in our community think this is an important problem? Why or why not?
“I absolutely agree that other women in our community would say that this is an important issue. Like reasons mentioned before, if there is no access to free, or even affordable birth control pregnancies will go up as will the abortion rates. A lot of people dislike the controversial issue of abortions so for those who are against abortions would be 110% fighting for free access to contraception.”

What policy, if any, does government now have to deal with this problem?
“I don’t really know any specific policies on this issue but looking at Obama’s views, the government policy allows only women who are working to have access to free birth control. Also, if there is no free birth control than this many affect the Abortion Policy that gives women a right to terminate a pregnancy.”

What are advantages and/ or disadvantages of this policy?
“Relating back to Obama, women who are working are able to receive free birth control. As far as abortion, whether you support it or not, it is at least an option that offers some control over oneself. A disadvantage of this policy would be that the availability of free birth control is not offered to women or young teens who do not work. Relating back to the abortion part, people may abuse this right of being able to make a choice. So, some limitations, I believe, would need to be made on that issue.”

How might the policy be improved, or should this policy be replaced?
“I’m not really to knowledgeable about this but I think free birth control should be available to everyone, not just working women. I don’t think it needs to be replaced but just improved upon so it benefits a larger population.”

Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
I enjoyed my interview with Maria. It brought about topics that we are both unfamiliar with. It opened our eyes to the many different issues that can relate to the topic of free birth control. I am learning how free birth control can connect to Planned Parenthood. Since conducting the interview I am more apt to research the unfamiliar topics that relate to gaining access to free contraception. The interview has furthered my understanding of the issue, such as my developing knowledge of policies. Through some research, and this interview I am more aware of women’s concerns and the different point of views people hold upon this subject. I am more aware of my own developing views on this subject, and as a young woman I would like to know where I stand and what is available to me. 

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