Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Taking Action For Women's Rights

There are many critical attributes to our current event. For the women who are fighting for the right to free birth control they can take part in civic engagement, enculturation, and social activism.

Through civic engagement women can join organizations to advocate for their rights. At these organizations women can discuss their different perspectives on the matter. They can talk about the democratic beliefs that our culture has put upon us. Women can act to accomplish problem solving, petitioning, and protesting. Social activism serves as a opportunity for women to act on their beliefs and values in constructive ways. Women can participate in service learning. As a service learning project our group wants to put together a website informing women of alternative forms of safe sex. This service learning project serves for women who are not able to receive free birth control.

Enculturation is the process by which a culture and its civic values are transmitted from one generation to the next. Through television  internet, and global communication, people are more exposed to different ideas and behaviors. As a group, we feel as though younger generations are getting the wrong idea about safe sex. This can be seen through shows such as "16 and Pregnant," "Teen Mom," and "The Secret Life Of The American Teenager." As a government the right to free birth control may decrease the number of teen pregnancy rates. This will further help regulate young adults with unwanted pregnancies.

Our current event poses informational and procedural knowledge. Our overall topic is informational knowledge. The debate rises a controversy between two very different opinions: Obama is for free birth control and Mitt Romney is not for free birth control. The procedural knowledge of our topic is the effects on our female population. This includes unwanted pregnancies, higher taxes, a rise in EBT and food stamps, foster care, and child abuse.

When we teach this current event we will start by explaining what is going on in the government surrounding this topic. We will pose both sides of the debate. We will then go into the effects of not having free birth control to our female population. Finally, our service learning project, will be of great use for females who cannot obtain free birth control. Our website will include alternative ways to practice safe sex, if birth control cannot be obtained. As a group, out of class, we will be creating this website together with great thought. We will post this site to our blog for the class to see!

Melissa, Christina, and Laura are taking action to advocate free birth control through signing a petition. 

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