Thursday, October 25, 2012

Taking Action - Laura

For my take action I signed a petition supporting the no cost birth control. It felt great signing the petition because I am able to take action on an important issue that is also important to me! I support the no cost birth control and believe that every woman should have access to free birth control since it is our right. Putting a cost on birth control is only affecting women in a negative way. “More than half of women aged 18 – 34 say that the cost of prescription birth control has made it hard for them to use birth control consistently. Removing the economic barrier to birth control would have a major impact on young people’s lives.” Democratic values are connected to this type of take action that I have participated in. By signing a petition I am working together with the many other people who share the same goal as me! We are all working together and sharing the same goal to ensure that every woman has the access to free birth control that suits them. I am fighting for equality along with the many other women in the world who are fighting for the access to free birth control to make women’s lives easier and support keeping all women healthy!

Educators have one of the most important jobs in the world. It is a teacher’s goal to teach students not only significant knowledge but also appropriate behaviors. A teacher should always be implementing classroom rules and always model good and appropriate behavior. I think that social justice issues should be taught in the classroom. It is important for student to learn about people’s views and ideas about issues in our world. It is fundamental for students to begin to understand that everyone has opinions and all opinions should be respected; the earlier students begin to learn this concept the better. Social justice issues raises awareness to classrooms in schools. Students need to understand that not everyone has the same values and beliefs and that is acceptable. Social justice issues can help students learn just that and much more around the world and our communities. 

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