Friday, October 12, 2012

My Interview with Kevin

This is an interview with my boyfriend Kevin. I thought it would be interesting to get a male's opinion on this issue. Kevin studies at Salem State as a History and Education major. I explained to him the current event going on and his opinion and thoughts were interesting to me and I learned a lot from him point of view!

Is this a problem you think is important?  Why/ Why not?
"I think it's important women should be granted free birth control, as Obama states. Many young woman, who cannot afford to attain birth control end up with unwanted pregnancy, and many more unwanted finances and for others through their taxes. Women are free individuals and should be granted birth control and abortion. Even though birth control is not 100% effective, those who take it are much better off than those who do not. This can go a long way in our country."
Do you think for others in our community this is an important problem? why/ why not?
"I think this issue is important for the majority of our society.  I think teen pregnancy is almost glorified with TV shows now a days and teenagers may want this lifestyle, which is a whole different problem. However, I do not think the majority of our country feels that way. If birth control is free it protects many from the financial issues and other issues they will be faced with if they cannot support a baby. This effects the country as a whole when our taxes are paying for the added welfare".
What policy, if any, does government now have to deal with this problem?
"The government has to bring other policies into this problem such as taxes through this new potential aspect of woman's health care".
What are advantages of this policy?
"The advantages to this policy is if the unwanted pregnancies go down, the unwanted taxes for America can subside. Not only that but when females still in school get pregnant, the drop out rate of school goes up, which also effects America as a whole as we trail behind in the World statistics".

What are disadvantages of this policy?
"If this act is passed, the Republicans will up roar and strikes may occur. Abortion is a HUGE controversy in our country and many angry people advocate against the act. This also sparks religious controversy in respect to abortion".
How might the policy be improved?
"Maybe the price of birth control can be cut down for woman. Also, maybe condoms could be given out for free? I do not think abortion should be supported in politics or even discussed. It's every woman's right what to do with her body and it is a personal choice". 
Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
"There are many videos, articles, blogs and books about the issue and especially abortion".

"I think women's rights be supported in every way, being a male I know I cannot speak for a woman, but men (who are running in the election) maybe would have a different opinion if they were female and had a clue".

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